The Beyond Boundaries Institute, in collaboration with The Woodleigh Institute, proudly invites you to join us and be part of ReimaginED Fremantle 2025.
In addition to provocations from national and international thought leaders, the conference provides the opportunity to learn through interaction with local people and places in a conference that views the entire city environment as a learning space. ReimaginED Fremantle will transcend the traditional conference confines of function rooms and lecture halls to fully embrace the city's diverse resources, cultures and experiences as integral parts of the learning process, while connecting participants to a global ecosystem for innovation in education.
These visionary educators and leaders will deliver thought-provoking presentations, engage in meaningful discussions, and lead hands-on breakout sessions designed to spark fresh thinking about the future of education.
Don't miss your chance to be part of the conversation shaping the future of education.​
​​Peter Senge
Peter M. Senge is the founding chair of SoL (Society of Organizational Learning), a global network of organizations, researchers, and consultants dedicated to the “interdependent development of people and their institutions”, Senior Lecturer, Sloan School of Management MIT, and cofounder of the Academy for Systemic Change, which seeks to accelerate the growth of the field of systemic change worldwide. His work centres on promoting shared understanding of complex issues and shared leadership for healthier human systems. This involves major cross-sector projects focused on global food systems, climate change, regenerative economies, and the future of education.
​​Jan Owen AM Hon DLitt
Jan has spent her career working at the intersection of individual, organisational and societal change as an entrepreneur, innovator and social sector leader. Her work includes: building and leading alliances; campaigns and advocacy on the rights of children and young people around the globe; strategy, innovation and leadership on the future of education, work and entrepreneurship; facilitating and building powerful strategic community, business, government and philanthropic investment and partnerships committed to our collective future as an inclusive, imaginative and courageous world. Jan is Founder & Principal, AdaptabilityQ: working with innovative leaders and organisations on strategy, innovation & systems change; co-Chair/Convenor, Learning Creates Australia; co-Convenor, Foyer Consortium; Chair, Cool Australia and co-Founder, Be Well.

Professor David de Carvalho
David de Carvalho is the Executive Dean, Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Theology at The University of Notre Dame Australia. Prior to this role, David was the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA). He has extensive experience in leading major reforms at both national and state level and a deep personal passion for, and understanding of, education. Immediately prior to ACARA, he was CEO of the NSW Education Standards Authority. He has held senior roles in the NSW Department of Family and Community Services and the Commonwealth departments the Treasury, Health and Ageing, Finance and Deregulation, Education, and Prime Minister and Cabinet. From 1998-2003 he was CEO of the National Catholic Education Commission. He started his career as a secondary school teacher, and has served on the boards of the Australian Council of Educational Research and the Curriculum Corporation (now Education Services Australia).

​​Professor Josh Byrne
Josh Byrne is an environmental scientist, academic, author and TV presenter. Josh is Dean of Sustainable Futures in the Faculty of Humanities at Curtin University where he supports learning and teaching, research and engagement. Well known for his role on ABC TV’s Gardening Australia program, his approach is leadership through demonstration by engaging in projects that provide opportunities to innovate, build capacity and share learnings with stakeholders and the wider community.

​​Professor Sandra Milligan
Enterprise Professor Sandra Milligan is Executive Director of Melbourne Metrics at the Faculty of Education, University of Melbourne. Originally a teacher of science and mathematics, she is also a former Director of Curriculum in an Australian state education department and has held senior research, management and governance positions in a range of educational organisations, including government agencies, not-for-profits, small start-up businesses and large, listed, international corporations. Sandra’s current research interests focus on assessment, recognition and warranting of hard-to-assess learning. She directs several research partnerships with school networks and organisations working to develop Learner Profiles for their students.

​​Hamish Curry
Hamish has a 25-year background in leading education across schools, libraries, and education companies using design thinking and intercultural learning. He brings tenacity and creativity to his work, with a wealth of knowledge and experience in making education better. Through Cool Australia, he leads the development of new initiatives and refining existing processes to ensure education gets the resources they need to help people and the planet.
Hamish has been a school teacher with stints in London, UK and Toyama, Japan. He also led the development of the Eltham College City Campus (Year 9 program). He grew significant school and public programs while Education Manager at the State Library of Victoria. As a Senior Consultant with NoTosh he travelled the world for 4 years helping schools and major companies design better learning. Hamish’s last role was as Executive Director of Asia Education Foundation with University of Melbourne, where he shaped intercultural learning across Australia and 23 other nations in school partnerships and programs. He also serves on the Advisory Board for the Melbourne Graduate School of Education.

Dr Shane Glasson
Dr Shane Glasson has an unbridled passion for leadership and has made the identification of leadership talent and the formation, development and revitalisation of leaders the focus of his life, work and scholarship. Over the course of his 30+ year career, Shane has assisted hundreds of leaders to find their niche and reach their potential, especially those from educational settings. He lives this vision every day as the Founder of The Liminal Space, a leadership development consultancy based in Perth, Western Australia.

Jessamy Gee
As one of Australia’s leading Graphic Recorders, Melbourne-based Jessamy Gee has developed a unique skill set in listening, synthesising, capturing and communicating information visually. She is the Founder and Director of Think in Colour, Founder and President of Graphic Recorders Australia, author of GR's Best Mate and co-author of The World of Visual Practice. Since launching Think in Colour in 2011, Jessamy has become internationally renowned for her work, and has serviced a diverse range of clients all around Australia, New Zealand, Asia and Europe across the corporate, community, education and government sectors. Jessamy has captured talks by some of Australia’s leading minds including former President of the Human Rights Commission Gillian Triggs, former Greens leader Bob Brown, advertising personality Todd Sampson, actor Madga Szubanski, academic and presenter Waleed Aly, Chief Scientist Dr Alan Finkel and former Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Christine Nixon, as well as revered international thinkers such as futurist and inventor Ray Kurzweil, and originator of lateral thinking, Edward de Bono. In 2019, Jessamy was invited to Strasbourg by the Council of Europe to graphically record their annual Octopus Conference on Cybercrime - an international event hosting close to 500 delegates from around the world, translated in three languages - showcasing Graphic Recording on the world stage.

Heather Lawrence
Heather has been passionate about the unrealised potential of educational settings for over 40 years. Her background in early years education led her to work in diverse settings nationally and internationally, over 30 years in Tertiary settings, Adult Education in Community and Education Sectors. Heather taught and researched at University of Melbourne until 2012, and has continued to work with, teach and mentor Educators through Conferences, Seminars, in small groups. Importantly her wish is collaboration with others, to create life serving learning opportunities in trans-contextual ways, based on compassion, care and love. Heather’s intention was always to bring an 'awareness' of the complex issues that drive the behaviours of children, youth and young adults and the influences of systems of Education, Health, Economy, Politics on their social experiences in families and communities.

Professor Erica McWilliam
Erica is an internationally recognised scholar in the field of pedagogy with a particular focus on preparing young people for ‘over the horizon’ futures. She directed the Creative Workforce 2.0 Research Program in the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation, and has also performed professorial duties as an educational researcher at the National Institute of Education in Singapore. Her long and strong record of publications and consultancies is testament to the continuing relevance of her scholarship and her capacity to forge alliances across educational contexts. A patron of AGSA, she has worked extensively as a consultant to girls’ schools both as a mentor and a writer of commissioned school histories. She is an Adjunct Professor of Education at the Queensland University of Technology, a Fellow of the Australian Council of Education, an Honorary Fellow of the Australia Council of Educational Leadership, an Associate Fellow of the Learning and Teaching Council of Australia. In 2021, she was awarded a member of the order of Australia (AM) for her services to education.

Tara Merks​
Tara brings passion and over 25 years educational leadership experience to her role as Director of Serve Learn Educational Consultants. Tara has a Masters in Ed Leadership (LeHigh, USA) and PTC Principals Training Certificate (USA), she is an Instructional Coach (Madison Wisconsin, USA) and has led schools around the world in developing sustainable service learning and global citizenship programs. She has presented at international conferences for teachers, leaders and students, ran PD workshops and webinars and supports teaching and learning with in-school consulting. The Serve Learn Conceptual Curriculum Framework is available online with academy courses for students, teachers and leaders. Tara is a collaborative author of Enacting Equitable Global Citizenship Education in School by Routledge. She repatriated to Melbourne Australia with her two boys Eddie aged 14 and Tom aged 11 after 18 years leading international education in the Middle East (ASK), Asia (ISM) and Africa (AISJ).

Kankawa Nagarra​
Kankawa Nagarra prefers to be called by her birth name. She is also known by her English name of Olive Knight. She is an Elder of the Bunuba, Walmatjarri and Gooniyandi Tribes of the West Kimberley, Western Australia. Kankawa is a translator of her traditional languages and a musician, poet, artist and storyteller. Her cultural knowledge of systems awareness drives the way she lives her life and she is a mentor to many.
Kankawa wants us to 'meet each other human to human'. The first step is to reconnect with 'who they really' are as human beings on our one Earth. This doesn’t happen through our thinking, with our ears on our heads. To help others she shares her deep cultural knowledge of the Indigenous meaning of deep listening. 'Ears of the Heart' was born from this knowing after many hours of Yarning with the Co-founders. Kankawa believes this is the source of who we are as humans and that we can know instinctively, but we have forgotten over time who we really are.

Dave Runge​
With a passion for reimagining education, Dave works with educational organisations across Australia and internationally to build new systems and create innovative responses. As a Co-Founder and Director of Future Schools, Dave collaborates closely with executive leadership teams, boards, associations, and educational organisations, providing invaluable guidance supporting educators to discover, design and implement innovative solutions. Recognising the importance of systemic change, Dave focuses his efforts on change leadership. His expertise in change leadership, culture, and innovation has been instrumental in implementing successful change initiatives in diverse educational settings throughout Australia. With a deep understanding of the education landscape and by fostering collaboration and facilitating the exchange of ideas, Dave empowers schools and educational leaders to evolve their practices, transform their learning environments, and create meaningful change within their settings.

Hannah Fitzhardinge​
Hannah Fitzhardinge was elected Mayor of Fremantle in October 2021, following five years serving as a Councillor for Beaconsfield Ward. A graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, Hannah has served on the Rottnest Island Board and the boards of the Beehive Montessori School and ARTRAGE. She is a Director and occasional Coach/Facilitator at Integral, a Perth-based leadership development company. Hannah has spent 15 years in corporate public affairs, government approvals and strategic communication, and in the resources sector. She is only the second female mayor in Freo’s history and said being approachable, positive, and advocating strongly for the community would underpin her approach to the City’s most prominent job.

Jayne Johnston
Jayne is Enterprise Fellow in Melbourne Metrics at The University of Melbourne. Melbourne Metrics works with partners to develop robust, reliable, research-based systems to assess and recognise complex competencies (general capabilities) which are increasingly required for learners to thrive in education, employment and life. Jayne leads teams of researchers, psychometricians and subject experts to develop competency-based assessment instruments and credentials for children, young people and adults in education and professional settings. Originally a teacher of mathematics, Jayne held senior roles in WA, ACT and SA school systems, completing that phase of her career as Deputy Director General in the SA Education.

Keren Caple
Keren leads Innovation Unit Australia New Zealand as Chief Executive. Keren focuses on the strategy and impact in the Asia Pacific region and education work globally. She currently works domestically with the Department of Education in Western Australia redesigning learning and schooling, Parkerville Children and Youth Care redesigning models of out of home care and the Department of Communities as part of their ambitious agenda to change outcomes for women and children experiencing family and domestic violence. Keren is deeply committed to supporting people and communities to really thrive, beginning with their early education and care and continuing with their learning and wellbeing throughout their lives. To achieve this Keren works with communities, organisations, foundations and whole systems and sectors to create fundamental change in ‘the way things are done’.

Linda Savage​
Linda is Chair of For Tomorrow WA and on the board of the University of Western Australia International Public Policy Advisory Board, the Voluntary Assisted Dying Board (WA) and Upswell Publishing. She is a former Director of the Social Security Appeals Tribunal, Legal Member of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, Member of the West Australian parliament and was the Inaugural Convener of the Valuing Children Initiative. In 1997 she was awarded the Law Society of Western Australia’s annual award for Outstanding Service to the Community. In 2010 she was named Woman Lawyer of the Year (WA). In October 2018 she was appointed as an Ambassador for Children and Young People. In 2020 she was appointed as an inaugural Ambassador for the Women’s Legal Service (WA).

Stephen Campbell
Stephen is Director of Strategic Projects, Pymble Ladies College. Stephen became a teacher as soon as he left university: "it is, for me, a vocation, as I want to use my talents and skills to make the world a better place. What better way to do this than by supporting the development of others? I started my career in the state sector in the UK but have worked internationally, in independent education and now work in NSW." As well as teaching young people, Stephen also derives great joy from teacher education.

Ellen Moffatt​
Ellen is Deputy Principal at Westbourne Grammar School and is an established author of foreign language learning titles. Passionate about impactful pedagogy and leadership, Ellen seeks to empower all learners to harness their strengths for the common good. Ellen has completed a Master of Education and a Master of Business Administration. She was named on The Educator’s 2023 ‘Rising Stars’ list, an Excellence Awardee in the 2021 Australian Education Awards Secondary Teacher of the Year (Non-Government) category, and has presented at various conferences, including the National Coalition of Girls’ Schools Global Forum on Girls’ Education II (Washington, D.C. 2018) and the ACEL National Conference (Brisbane, 2023).

Dr Amie Fabry​
Dr Amie Fabry is a passionate early childhood educator, researcher and facilitator who is committed to empowering early childhood leaders to transform pedagogical practice. A rising star in the education sector, Amie uses a strengths-based approach to build the confidence, knowledge and skills of early childhood educators, teachers and leaders to create responsive and trusting cultures in which educators and children can thrive. At The Learning Future, Amie draws on her multi-faceted experience in research, practice and policy, to design and facilitate professional learning programs and projects that inspire and ignite transformation in the education of our youngest citizens. Amie’s PhD research revealed the critical role early childhood leaders play in school settings generating cultures of collaboration and connection that enhance children’s transition into and through the early years of school. She is the author of Lead with Intention, the first framework for leading the early years of school.

Matthew Esterman​
Matthew is the Founder / Director of The Next Word and has over 15 years working in schools and beyond as a leading voice in the thoughtful adoption of technology. He is a trained History teacher, with two masters degrees and who has made a significant contribution to professional learning in Australia and overseas. He has worked across different educational settings and has been recognised with several awards, most recently as a Commonwealth Bank Teaching Fellow, provided by Australian Schools Plus. Matt has founded The Next Word, a consultancy that seeks to leverage AI and other technologies to help shape a better future, especially for our young people. He now works with schools, universities and other organisations to increase awareness and capability in using AI to enhance educational outcomes. He has co-authored a book titled “The Next Word: AI & Teachers” with Dr Nick Jackson, which launched in 2024. USchool is an initiative he is co-leading with other Australian and global educators, to reshape education by establishing a thriving network of learning hubs across the world which focus on student growth, wellbeing and achievement well beyond the narrow aims of curricula.

Kelly Ilich
Kelly is an experienced educator, having begun teaching secondary school Humanities and Social Sciences in 2006. She has taught across the public, independent and Catholic sectors in Western Australia, and has worked for the Schools Curriculum and Standards Authority, as well as overseas. She also has experience in providing online professional development, mentoring and coaching to teachers across Australia. She has been a sessional academic for the School of Education at Curtin University since 2022. Kelly is currently completing a PhD at Curtin University on the topic of teaching algorithmic literacy.

Louka Parry
As one of Australia's top innovators, Louka Parry speaks on futures, leadership, education, and transformation; having worked with thousands of leaders and educators from diverse contexts across the world, including in high-level policy fora such as the OECD, UNESCO, the European Commission, and with all Australian States and Territories. An award-winning educator, speaker, facilitator, and adventurer, Louka’s powerful ability to communicate ideas with clarity allows him to guide thinking about learning, leadership, and life to new places, earning him a place in 2022 as a Top 100 Innovator for Australia. As CEO + Founder of The Learning Future, Louka is committed to transforming learning structures, systems and societies that further empower individuals to develop the key human capabilities that matter most now and into the future.

Dr Kirsten Hudson
Dr Kirsten Hudson is Academic Lead for Changemakers at Curtin University, and is a transdisciplinary artist scholar. Holding a PhD in Art and Cultural Studies, and with over two decades of tertiary lecturing experience across Screen Arts, Fine Arts, Cultural Studies, Fashion, and Photography, Kirsten is the current academic lead of Curtin University’s Regional Changemakers program. Her teaching integrates creative experimentation, material thinking, and feminist inquiry, with Indigenous Knowledge Systems, shaping an innovative community-engaged curriculum framework that cultivates critical reflection, practical skills and regenerative practices of co-creation - always grounded in reciprocity, respect for Country, and care for localised systems of place. Her most recent commission, ODE (An Acknowledgement of Sea Country), presented at the Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery in collaboration with CSIRO and the Indian Ocean Marine Research Centre (The Ocean Project 2024), demonstrates her commitment to harnessing creative methodologies to address urgent ecological, social, and ethical challenges.

Laura Motherway
Laura is Strategic Creative Learning Manager, FORM Building a State of Creativity as well as an author and arts professional with over 20 years’ experience managing and delivering programs in paediatric hospitals and the arts sector. She brings a wealth of expertise in program management, leadership and children’s health and wellbeing, and is passionate about the role creativity plays in living a happy flourishing life. Laura is currently the Strategic Creative Learning Manager at FORM Building a State of Creativity where she oversees FORM's Creative Learning flagship program Creative Schools and the Scribblers Literature Festival. FORM’s Creative Learning programs empower young people to develop their creativity, sense of agency and wellbeing through fostering curiosity, a lifelong love of learning and the ability to make sense of the world around and within themselves.

James Pengelley
James is currently a Senior School teacher at All Saints' College and Adjunct Lecturer at Murdoch University. James has worked as a teacher and teacher trainer with students of diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds across six countries for 17 years. His expertise includes quantitative research, applications of sociolinguistics and cognitive science to learning environments, and the impact that learning technologies have on teacher and student interactions. His research has been published internationally, and featured on Radio National and The Conversation.

Xiaofang (Sarah) Wang
Sarah is Associate Lecturer in Teaching and Research, IB Mentorship Coordinator, Murdoch University and conducts comparative research on academic performance and segregation across schools, regions, sectors, and cultures. Her work aims to provide insights that can help improve the equity, effectiveness, and efficiency of education systems. In addition to her comparative research, Sarah works on projects related to critical thinking, well-being, and the use of artificial intelligence in teaching and research. She is skilled in various research methods and techniques, including quantitative methods, R, QCA, NCA, and AI fundamentals, and she strives to stay updated with the latest advancements in her field. Before joining Murdoch University as the IB Mentorship Coordinator, Sarah worked in International Baccalaureate (IB) K-12 schools in Australia and Canada. She now teaches post-graduate courses on research foundations and international education.

Sally Nelson
Sally has had over 20 years experience in teaching and leading across a range of educational settings, has completed a Master of Education and is an established author for Jacaranda Wiley Publications. She is currently Head of Integrated and Immersive Learning at Carey Baptist Grammar School where she leads development of innovative learning and wellbeing programs that foster curiosity, creativity, and collaboration. Sally has been a representative on VCAA and ACHPER discussion panels, a member of the Learning Creates Australia Social Lab team focussed on enabling community environment to engage with new forms of recognition, presented at various conferences, including Adolescent Success (Singapore and Gold Coast), ACHPER and previous ReimaginEd conferences. She is also member of Carey’s Research and Innovation Team, contributing to the University of Melbourne’s New Metrics initiative to develop new ways for assessing student, school and system success.

Steven Scotti
Steven Scotti is an experienced educator and leader in design, innovation, and entrepreneurship, bringing expertise from both Australia and the UK. As Director of the Design Hub at All Saints' College, he drives student-led innovation through the InnovatED program, inspiring creativity, enterprise, and real-world problem-solving. Specialising in digital design and advanced prototyping technologies, including 3D printing, laser-cutting, and Computer-Aided Design (CAD), Steven collaborates with industry partners to bridge the gap between education and emerging technologies. His work focuses on developing students' capabilities, empowering them with the skills, confidence, and entrepreneurial mindset needed to thrive in the ever-evolving fields of innovation and design.

Paul Browning
Dr Paul Browning was a school principal for over 25 years. His passions are leadership, organisational culture and creativity. He believes that trust is the fundamental resource for successful leadership and a healthy organisational culture and creativity is the future of education. Paul has spoken at numerous conferences, both nationally and internationally, and lead workshops on leadership, teacher improvement, school culture and improvement to well in excess of 4000 school leaders and CEOs across several continents. Paul is currently the Managing Director of Vivedus, a Learning Activation Model revolutionising education by unlocking students' creative intelligence. In collaboration with the University of Melbourne, Vivedus provides schools with an AI-powered, SaaS-based framework integrating pedagogy, assessment tools, and teaching strategies.

Dr Sarah Wells
Sarah is a Teaching and Learning Consultant at AISWA. She has contributed toward the design and delivery of professional learning for the independent school sector of Western Australia and currently coordinates the research partnership between AISWA and the Australian Education Research Organisation (AERO). Sarah has a PhD in Education from the University of Sydney and serves as a sessional academic for the School of Education at Curtin University. She is dedicated to evidence-informed practices that foster complex competencies and empower teachers and school leaders.

Karen LeRaye
Karen LeRaye has worked as an Educational Consultant at AISWA since 2016. Her background is in Arts education where she taught Drama and Dance in both primary and secondary contexts, and she has worked to support educators in independent schools with planning and delivering high-quality Arts programs. Beyond her Arts focus, Karen collaborates with educators across all learning areas to enhance their teaching practice and pedagogical approach. Her work centres on building teacher capacity to enhance student outcomes. As a dedicated education professional, Karen remains committed to fostering teaching excellence and supporting educators in their professional growth journey.

Jacob Martin
Jacob Martin is the Deputy Head of College and the Designated Safeguarding Lead at Dulwich College (Singapore) leading the compassionate systems framework within the College and driving the development of Global Citizenship and Sustainability. He is also developing networks of schools in the South East Asian region seeking to develop a Compassionate Systems Hub. Jacob is part of the founding cohort of the MIT-led global project with the framework and a certified Master Practitioner in the field.